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A Place to Bury Strangers

Rock music
Punk rock
Based in New York since 2004, the trio A Place to Bury Strangers claim the title of the Big Apple's heaviest rock band. These descendants of The Jesus and the Mary Chain and Joy Division released an explosive debut album of the same name in 2007. Signed to Mute Records, A Place to Bury Strangers confirmed their taste for noise rock with the following album, Exploding Head, released in 2009. In 2012, the EP Onwards to the Wall served as prologue to a dark, self-produced third album, Worship. Then reduced to the duo Oliver Ackermann-Dion Lunadon, the noise rock band recruited drumm...
Everything Always Goes Wrong
Everything Always Goes WrongA Place to Bury Strangers

Exploding Head


Keep Slipping Away
Keep Slipping AwayA Place to Bury Strangers

Exploding Head


I Lived My Life to Stand in the Shadow of Your Heart
I Lived My Life to Stand in the Shadow of Your HeartA Place to Bury Strangers

Exploding Head


To Fix the Gash in Your Head
To Fix the Gash in Your HeadA Place to Bury Strangers

A Place to Bury Strangers


Missing You
Missing YouA Place to Bury Strangers

A Place to Bury Strangers


OceanA Place to Bury Strangers

A Place to Bury Strangers

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