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Acoustic Alchemy

New Age
Electronic music
Starting out as a partnership between guitarists Nick Webb and Greg Carmichael in the early 1980s, the duo created in-flight background music for Virgin Airlines before recruiting a team of musicians to experiment with all manner of styles and sounds on their debut album Red Dust and Spanish Lace (1987). Their delicate, serene, instrumental melodies included blues, folk, Latin and classical influences, and they even stretched to "Chinese reggae" on breakthrough single Mr. Chow, before they came to wider attention when their track Natural Elements was used as the theme to BBC TV s...
The Earle of Salisbury
The Earle of SalisburyAcoustic Alchemy


The Stone Circle
The Stone CircleAcoustic Alchemy

Red Dust & Spanish Lace


DaybreakAcoustic Alchemy

Early Alchemy


Across the Golden Gate
Across the Golden GateAcoustic Alchemy

Against the Grain

Cool As A Rule
Cool As A RuleAcoustic Alchemy

The New Edge

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