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Adrian Disch

1000 Names
1000 NamesJonathan Chan Horton, Phil Wickham, Sean Curran, Darrel Walls, Adrian Disch, Darian Elliott, Franco Pacheco, Mark Lettieri, Max Stark, Melodie Pace, Terry Baker, Jose Echevarria, Herb Powers Jr, Lio Saenz III and Taylor Scott Johnson



Follow You Down
Follow You DownAdrian Disch and Kevin Bean


My Favorite Time of Year (Lito Mix)
My Favorite Time of Year (Lito Mix)Jackopierce, Milo Deering, Cary Pierce, Jack O'Neill, Carl Pierce, Adrian Disch, Brandon Lozano, Sara Donaldson, Rob Wechsler at WexTrax and Tom Bridwell at TomKast Dallas
