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Alaclair Ensemble

Rap music
Traditional music of Quebec
World music
Known for their eclectic mix of traditional Quebecois folklore with contemporary hip-hop and electronic music, the Canadian rap collective Alaclair Ensemble rose to fame in the late 2000s thanks to their irreverent lyrical content and inventive PR stunts. The group has been active since 2008 and its lineup consists of MCs Ogden "Robert Nelson" Ridjanovic, Akena "KNLO" Okoko, Claude Bégin, and Eman, and producer Louis-Nicolas "Vlooper" Imbeau, all of whom release music with their side projects. The concept behind the group's music presents an alternate reality in which the Patriot...
Mets du respect dans ton bac
Mets du respect dans ton bacAlaclair Ensemble

Mets du respect dans ton bac

Au Ciel
Au CielAlaclair Ensemble

America, Vol. 2

R.P.A.Alaclair Ensemble

America, Vol. 2

Ding Dong
Ding DongAlaclair Ensemble

America, Vol. 2

Rap De Cégep (Rap De Cegep)
Rap De Cégep (Rap De Cegep)Alaclair Ensemble and Modlee


La famille
La familleAlaclair Ensemble

Le Sens des Paroles

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