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Ali Farka Touré

African music
World music
Traditional music
A master of Malian traditional music with the spirit of the great American bluesmen running through his veins, Ali Farka Toure was a world music legend who earned the nickname "the African John Lee Hooker". Born on the banks of the River Niger in a small village called Kanau in North Mali, he built his first single-stringed "djerkel" guitar as a 12-year-old, before Mali's independence in 1960 led to a government policy promoting the arts and allowing Toure to work with a 117-person troupe representing the Niafunke region. As his reputation grew, he left behind his life as a poor,...
M'biféBJ Sam, Ali Farka Touré, Rokia Traoré, Fatoumata Diawara, Oumou Sangare, Azaya, Safi Diabate, Djelykaba bintou and Samuel Aniekan Benjamin


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