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Ali G

Reggae music
World music
Ali G is a wacky character created by Sacha Baron Cohen. The premise is a satire of a goofy Englishman who appropriates rap and reggae culture with the help of numerous cannabis joints. This character, initially a TV troublemaker à la Michaël Youn, triumphed in the film Ali G, a great moment of iconoclastic delirium. Sacha Baron Cohen claims that the Ali G character is now deceased.
Me Julie
Me JulieShaggy and Ali G

Indahouse [B.O.F.]


Im Race
Im RaceCANY, Ali G, Yunus Can Sevim and BoundxryBeatz


Oh Yeah
Oh YeahAli G, Foxy Brown and Spragga Benz

Me Julie
Me JulieAli G and Shaggy

Me Julie

Planet Rock
Planet RockAli G and Afrika Bambaataa

Indahouse [B.O.F.]

IncredibleAli G

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