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Allan Kingdom

Rap music
Electronic music
Old school hip hop
Allan Kyariga, aka Allan Kingdom, is a rapper and producer from Canada. He grew up speaking Swahili as the predominant language at home with his South African father and Tanzanian mother, currently operating out of Saint Paul, Minnesota in the United States. Kyariga began making music over the Internet, collaborating with artists around the world before releasing his first public piece of work, 'Future Memoirs' in 2014. His big break came that year when Kanye West asked him to provide vocals for his single 'All Day'. This was followed by a joint live performance at the UK's ...
QuestionsAllan Kingdom

Feeling Magnetic
Feeling MagneticAllan Kingdom

Know About It
Know About ItAllan Kingdom

Almost There
Almost ThereTwelve'len and Allan Kingdom


NumbGetter and Allan Kingdom


The Fusion
The FusionAllan Kingdom and Denzel Curry


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