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Ana del Castillo

World music
Latin pop music
Ana del Castillo, born on April 9, 1999, in Valledupar, the world capital of vallenato, has established herself as one of the most promising female voices in the genre. Her career took off with her debut solo single "Ya es mío," penned by renowned songwriter Omar Geles, which gained her recognition across Colombia. Known as "La Bomba Sexy del Vallenato," Ana del Castillo'ss dynamic voice and captivating performances have made her a standout figure in vallenato. She began her journey as a vocalist for esteemed composers like Wilfran Castillo and Fabián Corrales, honing her craft a...
Pero Qué Va (Pero Que Va)
Pero Qué Va (Pero Que Va)Saúl Lallemand, Iván Villazón and Ana del Castillo (Saul Lallemand and Ivan Villazon)

El Trueno


Ya Es Mío (Ya Es Mio)
Ya Es Mío (Ya Es Mio)Ana del Castillo


Dos A Cero (2-0)
Dos A Cero (2-0)Peter Manjarrés and Ana del Castillo

El Preferido


Te Quiero Igual Que Ayer
Te Quiero Igual Que AyerAna del Castillo and Jean Carlos Centeno

Te quiero igual que ayer


Cuando Tu Me Amabas
Cuando Tu Me AmabasWilfran Castillo and Ana del Castillo


La Voa Hacé Boja
La Voa Hacé BojaAna del Castillo

El Favor de Dios


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