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Andrew Baylis
Happy Once
Andrew Capra, Meghan Patrick, Grady Saxman, Alex Dobbert, Nathan Keeterle, Andrew Baylis, Sean Moffitt, Gideon Klein, Alexandra Krekorian and Gabe Klein
Start a Fire
Framing Hanley, Jonathan Stoye, Nicholas Brooks, Andrew Baylis, Cameron Pierce Mizell and Kenneth Wayne Nixon
Hear Me Now Redux
Framing Hanley, Jeff Hardy, Andrew Baylis, Cameron Pierce Mizell, Kenneth Wayne Nixon, Jonathan Luke McDuffee (contributor), Steven Christopher Vest (contributor) and Brandon Christoper Wootten (contributor)
Happy Once
Andrew Capra, Meghan Patrick, Grady Saxman, Alex Dobbert, Nathan Keeterle, Andrew Baylis, Sean Moffitt, Gideon Klein, Alexandra Krekorian and Gabe Klein
All I've Ever Known
Start a Fire
Framing Hanley, Jonathan Stoye, Nicholas Brooks, Andrew Baylis, Cameron Pierce Mizell and Kenneth Wayne Nixon
Hear Me Now Redux
Framing Hanley, Jeff Hardy, Andrew Baylis, Cameron Pierce Mizell, Kenneth Wayne Nixon, Jonathan Luke McDuffee (contributor), Steven Christopher Vest (contributor) and Brandon Christoper Wootten (contributor)