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Andy Ferguson (contributor)

Great and Mighty (Live)
Great and Mighty (Live)Nathan + Rachel, chri$$, Jonathan Hudoff, Joseph Salamida, Nathan French, Jon Atwood, Kevin Daniel (contributor), Andy Ferguson (contributor), Gabrielle Thompson (contributor) and Charlette Franklin (contributor)


When I Call (Live)
When I Call (Live)Nathan + Rachel, Jonathan Hudoff, Chris Hardy, Joseph Salamida, Nathan French, Rachel French, Jon Atwood, Frankie Taylor (, Kevin Daniel (contributor) and Andy Ferguson (contributor)


Prodigals (The Returning) [Live]
Prodigals (The Returning) [Live]Nathan + Rachel, Dominic, Jonathan Hudoff, Joseph Salamida, Brittani Scott, Kevin Daniel (contributor), Andy Ferguson (contributor), Gabrielle Thompson (contributor), Dakota Bott (contributor) and Jadah Daniel (contributor)
