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andy paley

Rock music
Pop rock
Power pop
Born in Washington DC on November 1, 1951, Andrew Douglas Paley grew up in Crescent City, New York, and learned to play drums before the family moved to Boston. He began playing in the band Catfish Black with Jerry Harrison (future Talking Heads) and Ernie Brooks, before joining The Rising Storm in the late 1960s and The Sidewinders, where he became lead singer alongside guitarist Billy Squier. The group, which played at Max's Kansas City club in New York, released an album produced by Lenny Kaye in 1972. In 1975, he teamed up with his brother Jonathan Paley and other musicians t...
Cruel World
Cruel WorldPorter Block, Caleb Sherman, andy paley and peter block


Groove Goin On
Groove Goin OnPorter Block, Caleb Sherman, andy paley and peter block


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