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Ariane Moffatt

Pop music
Folk rock
Rock music
Born on April 26, 1979 in Saint-Romuald (Canada), Ariane Moffatt is a pop singer from Quebec. She released her first album in 2002, Aquanaute , on which the songs " Fracture du crâne ", " Point de mire " and " Poussière d'ange " reached the top 30 of Quebec radio charts. The album went platinum with over 100,000 sales, and won three Félix awards at the ADISQ gala the following year, in the pop-rock album of the year, revelation of the year and achievement of the year categories. In 2004, she met Matthieu Chedid at the Francofolies festival in Montreal, who invited her to play in ...
Hiver Mile-End
Hiver Mile-EndAriane Moffatt

Tous les Sens

À ma place (A ma place)
À ma place (A ma place)LaF, Jimmy Hunt, Ariane Moffatt, Emi Bond, Tire Le Coyote, Plume Latraverse, FouKi, Choses Sauvages, Étienne Drapeau, Jean-François Breau, KNLO, Les Monsieurs, Mara Tremblay, Guillaume Arsenault, Comment Debord, Radio Radio, La fille à Raymond, Lucill, Marmelade Radio and SOMMM, FouKi (Etienne Drapeau, Jean-Francois Breau and La fille a Raymond)

Étienne Drapeau

Bien dans rien
Bien dans rienAriane Moffatt


Montréal (Montreal)
Montréal (Montreal)Ariane Moffatt

Walls Of The World
Walls Of The WorldAriane Moffatt


In Your Body
In Your BodyAriane Moffatt


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