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Arjen Anthony Lucassen

Progressive rock
Rock music
Metal music
Composer, guitarist, singer and designer, Dutchman Arjen Anthony Lucassen is a one-man progressive metal activist. A member of Bodine, then Vengeance, Arjen Anthony Lucassen released his first solo album in 1994 with Pools of Sorrow, Waves of Joy. From 1995 onwards, he rose to prominence with the rock opera project Ayreon, for which he was the main driving force. Arjen Anthony Lucassen then gave free rein to his unbridled imagination with his Ambeon, Star One and Stream of Passion projects. For his second album under his own name, Arjen Anthony Lucassen resurrects the space opera...
Valley of the Queens
Valley of the QueensArjen Anthony Lucassen and Star One

Live On Earth


The Two Gates
The Two GatesArjen Anthony Lucassen and Star One

Live On Earth


Set Your Controls
Set Your ControlsArjen Anthony Lucassen and Star One

Space Metal


The Eye of Ra
The Eye of RaArjen Anthony Lucassen and Star One

Space Metal


Intergalactic Space Crusaders
Intergalactic Space CrusadersArjen Anthony Lucassen and Star One

Space Metal


Space Truckin'
Space Truckin' 


Arjen Anthony Lucassen and Star One

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