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You're Not Your Mistakes  (Remix)
You're Not Your Mistakes (Remix)Strive to Be, ARP299 and Kainoa Sorensen

I Will Follow Him  (Remix)
I Will Follow Him (Remix)Strive to Be, ARP299 and Kalaya Arne

The Unknown  (Remix)
The Unknown (Remix)Strive to Be, Sabrina Haskett and ARP299

Like a Child  (Remix)
Like a Child (Remix)Strive to Be, Evelyn Detzany and ARP299

Strong  (Remix)
Strong (Remix)Strive to Be, ARP299 and McKenna Hixson

Hide  (Remix)
Hide (Remix)Strive to Be, ARP299 and Shalia Rokobuludrau