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Japanese singer Asaka was born on October 7, 1999 in Nagoya, Japan. At the age of three, her family relocated to Michigan, U.S.A, where she resided for five years. During her time in America, Asaka developed a passion for anime, and upon her return to Japan, decided to pursue a career as an anison singer. Before her official debut, Asaka actively participated in various competitions, winning a singing contest in Chubu in 2014. In 2016, she made her debut with the single "Open Your Eyes," which served as the ending theme for the anime series Occultic;Nine. Subsequently, Asaka rele...
Seize The Day
Seize The Day亜咲花 (Asaka)

Seize The Day


夏夢ノイジー (Natsuyume Noisy)
夏夢ノイジー (Natsuyume Noisy)亜咲花 (Asaka)

Who's Me?


夏夢ノイジー (Natsuyume Noisy)
夏夢ノイジー (Natsuyume Noisy)亜咲花 (Asaka)

Seize The Day
Seize The Day 

TV Size

亜咲花 (Asaka)

TVアニメ『ゆるキャン△ SEASON2』オリジナル・サウンドトラック


Ready Set Go!!
Ready Set Go!! 


亜咲花 (Asaka)


光と影のラプラス (Hikari to Kage No Lapras)
光と影のラプラス (Hikari to Kage No Lapras)亜咲花 (Asaka)

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