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Awa Ly

African music
World music
Jazz pop
Known for her soulful vocals and her sultry blend of jazz, folk, and African music, Awa Ly (January 4, 1977) is a French singer-songwriter and actress. Born and raised in Paris to Senegalese partens, Ly grew up in a music-loving household and started singing in school. After participating in a handful of choirs during the late 90s, she relocated to Rome in 2002 to pursue an acting career. In 2009, she released Modulated, her studio debut, to great critical acclaim. Two years later, she had her first big show at Bagneux’s Maison de la musique et de la danse and delivered an EP sun...
Je suis
Je suisHK and Awa Ly


Un autre rendez-vous
Un autre rendez-vousHK and Awa Ly

Petite Terre


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Oh MamaSahad and Awa Ly


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