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Badly Drawn Boy

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Folk music
Damon Gough (aka Badly Drawn Boy) grew up in Bolton, Lancashire but despite (or because of) his shambolic appearance, droll, idiosyncratic songs and eccentric shows, he found cult success as an alternative artist after adopting the name of the lead character in the show Sam & His Magic Ball. A chance meeting with DJ Andy Votel in Manchester brought them both fame with Badly Drawn Boy releasing his first limited issue single, EP1, on Votel's newly formed Twisted Nerve label. More EP releases cemented his growing reputation, and it exploded commercially in 2000 with his debut album...
The Way Things Used to Be
The Way Things Used to BeBadly Drawn Boy

Born In The UK


Bedside Story
Bedside StoryBadly Drawn Boy

Have You Fed The Fish?


Pissing in the Wind
Pissing in the WindBadly Drawn Boy

The Hour of Bewilderbeast


40 Days, 40 Fights
40 Days, 40 FightsBadly Drawn Boy

Have You Fed The Fish?


A  Peak You Reach
A Peak You ReachBadly Drawn Boy

About A Boy [B.O.F.]


Silent Sigh
Silent SighBadly Drawn Boy

About A Boy [B.O.F.]


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