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Banks & Steelz

Rap music
East Coast rap
Alternative hip hop
Made up of musicians Paul Banks, singer and rhythm guitarist with rock band Interpol, and Wu-Tang Clan rapper RZA, the duo Banks & Steelz was formed in 2011. The two men, convinced that they could combine their talents despite their different musical backgrounds, soon began recording demos with a view to releasing an album in 2013. But Paul Banks' busy schedule with his band, which was due to release an album the following year, initially put the brakes on their ambitions. By mutual agreement, Banks & Steelz set their sights on a joint release in 2015, but were unable to keep to ...
GiantBanks & Steelz

Anything But Words


Ana Electronic
Ana ElectronicBanks & Steelz

Anything But Words


Wild Season
Wild SeasonBanks & Steelz and Florence Welch

Anything But Words

Love and War
Love and WarBanks & Steelz and Ghostface Killah

Anything But Words


Sword In The Stone
Sword In The StoneBanks & Steelz and Kool Keith

Anything But Words


Can't Hardly Feel
Can't Hardly FeelBanks & Steelz

Anything But Words


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