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Ben Lee

Rock music
Folk rock
Pop rock
After launching his music career as the teenage frontman of the Australian alt-rock band Noise Addict, Ben Lee transformed himself into a successful solo artist during the late '90s and early 2000s. He was born in Sydney, Australia, on September 11, 1978, and released his first single — the Noise Addict song "I Wish I Was Him" — in 1993. While continuing to perform with the band, he made his solo debut with the full-length album Grandpaw Would in 1995, then returned in 1997 with Something to Remember Me By. As Meanwhile, Noise Addict broke up, leaving Ben Lee free to pursue his s...
I'm Willing
I'm WillingBen Lee

Awake Is the New Sleep

Gamble Everything for Love
Gamble Everything for LoveBen Lee

Awake Is the New Sleep


Song for the Divine Mother of the Universe
Song for the Divine Mother of the UniverseBen Lee

The Rebirth of Venus


Catch My Disease
Catch My DiseaseBen Lee

Awake Is the New Sleep


Running With Scissors
Running With ScissorsBen Lee

Hey You. Yes You.


Love Me Like the World Is Ending
Love Me Like the World Is EndingBen Lee


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