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Big Brovaz

Rap music
Contemporary R&B
Soul music
Big Brovaz is a British rap and R&B collective made up of three female and three male singers, supported by several producers. Their first single, "Nu Flow", released in 2002, became a European hit, reaching No. 3 in the UK and No. 2 in the Netherlands. The album Nu Flow was released in November 2002, selling mainly in Great Britain. Big Brovaz split up in 2004 and reformed as a quartet in 2006, for a second album that went unnoticed.
Favourite Things
Favourite ThingsBig Brovaz

Nu Flow


We Wanna Thank You
We Wanna Thank YouBig Brovaz

We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)

Nu Flow
Nu FlowBig Brovaz

Nu Flow


Baby Boy
Baby BoyBig Brovaz

Nu Flow


Taking It Global
Taking It GlobalBig Brovaz

Nu Flow


Don't Matter
Don't MatterBig Brovaz

Nu Flow


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