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BIG Naughty (서동현)

(BIG Naughty)

Rap music
Asiatic music
World music
Big Naughty is an award-winning rapper from South Korea. He was born as "Seo Dong-hyeon" in Seoul on June 2, 2003. While still a teenager, he launched his career with the debut single "Where It All Started Remix" in early 2019. He also appeared on the eighth season of the Korean television show Show Me the Money that same year, finishing the season in fourth place and releasing several singles along the way. "Bada" reached Number 48 on the Gain Digital Chart that summer, with the follow-up single "Problems" stalling at Number 82. After signing with the international label H1ghr M...
VancouverBIG Naughty (서동현) (BIG Naughty)



사랑이라 믿었던 것들은 Hopeless Romantic (Hopeless Romantic)
사랑이라 믿었던 것들은 Hopeless Romantic (Hopeless Romantic)BIG Naughty (서동현) and 이수현 (BIG Naughty and LEE SUHYUN)

Hopeless Romantic


Hero Death
Hero DeathBIG Naughty (서동현) and 시온 (BIG Naughty and Sion)

Hero Death


낭만교향곡 Romance Symphony (Romance Symphony)
낭만교향곡 Romance Symphony (Romance Symphony)BIG Naughty (서동현), 박재범 and 창모 (BIG Naughty, Jay Park and Changmo)



내일이 오면 Tomorrow (Tomorrow)
내일이 오면 Tomorrow (Tomorrow)릴보이(lIlBOI), 기리보이 and BIG Naughty (서동현) (lIlBOI, GIRIBOY and BIG Naughty)

Show Me the Money 9 Episode 3


겁도 없이 Dare to Love (Dare to Love)
겁도 없이 Dare to Love (Dare to Love)B.I and BIG Naughty (서동현) (BIG Naughty)

To Die For


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