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Bill Laurance

Ambient music
Electronic music
Bill Laurance is a jazz pianist recognised by peers and critics alike as an outstanding musician who has the ability to combine and cross genres within his compositions. Although he is based in America, Laurance was born in England and studied at the University of Leeds. He emerged into the public eye as a member of Snarky Puppy, the musicians' collective from Texas who have played with artists such as Justin Timberlake, Stanley Clarke and Snoop Dogg. It was with Snarky Puppy that Laurance won his Grammy Award when he featured on the band's 2014 track 'Something' which earne...
Ready Wednesday
Ready Wednesday 

Live at Union Chapel

Bill Laurance



Botija De Mi País
Botija De Mi PaísBill Laurance, Ruben Rada, Julieta Rada, Eduardo Mateo, Michael League and Portal Sessions

Botija de Mi País


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