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Bombes 2 Bal

French chanson
World music
The group's mission is to get everyone dancing and singing, regardless of age. Founded in the early 2000s by two women from Toulouse, Bombes 2 Bal quickly became a mixed sextet (four girls and two boys), in which the folklore and accent of the Pays d'Oc blend with forró, the popular music of the Brazilian Nordeste. They have released two albums, Danse Avec Ta Grand-Mère in 2004 and Bal Indigène in 2007, thanks to the constant support and involvement of Claude Sicre of the Fabulous Trobadors, who has written much of the group's repertoire, sometimes re-adapting traditional songs.
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Automne OccitanHK and Bombes 2 Bal

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Joyeux FaucheursHK and Bombes 2 Bal

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Ce soir nous irons au balHK and Bombes 2 Bal

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