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Bossa Três

World music
Brazilian music
Formed in 1961, Bossa Três was the first instrumental bossa nova group to come out of Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Sul. Initially composed of Luís Carlos Vinhas (piano), Tião Neto (double bass), and Edison Machado (drums), the trio got their start performing in clubs around the Beco das Garrafas area, in Copacabana, accompanying the dancers Lennie Dale, Joe Benett, and Marta Botelho. The dance troupe eventually had the chance to travel to New York and perform on national prime-time at the legendary Ed Sullivan Show with the Bossa Três as their backing band. The three of them stayed in t...
Canto de Ossanha
Canto de OssanhaDaúde, Bert Kaempfert & His Orchestra, Quarteto em Cy, Pery Ribeiro, Bossa Três and Luiz Brasil

Quarteto em Cy

Chora Tua Tristeza
Chora Tua TristezaJo Basile and Bossa Três

Canto de Ossanha
Canto de OssanhaPery Ribeiro and Bossa Três
