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Buckwheat Zydeco

Early R&B
Soul music
Having appeared on stage and occasionally recorded with the likes of Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Paul Simon, U2, Robert Plant, Willie Nelson and Ry Cooder, Stanley Dural Jr., aka Buckwheat Zydeco, can be credited with promoting the regional Creole music known as zydeco and putting it on the world stage. Originally an organ player, Dural led a funk band known as Buckwheat And The Hitchhikers until in 1976 he appeared as a sideman on keyboards for the legendary Clifton Chenier, one of Louisiana's most successful zydeco performers. Dural was captivated by the audience's enthusiast...
Ya Ya
Ya YaBuckwheat Zydeco and Buckwheat Zydeco Ils Sont Partis Band

Waitin' for My Ya-Ya

On a Night Like This
On a Night Like ThisBuckwheat Zydeco

On a Night Like This

Beast of Burden
Beast of BurdenBuckwheat Zydeco

Where There's Smoke There's Fire


Walking to New Orleans
Walking to New OrleansBuckwheat Zydeco and Buckwheat Zydeco Ils Sont Partis Band

Waitin' for My Ya-Ya


What You Gonna Do?
What You Gonna Do?Buckwheat Zydeco

Where There's Smoke There's Fire


Choo Choo Boogaloo
Choo Choo BoogalooBuckwheat Zydeco

Choo Choo Boogaloo


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