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Buddy Speir

Do You Really Love Me
Do You Really Love MeWes Dean, Ben Tufts, Buddy Speir, John Schreiner, Wesley Wornom and Tyler Schafer


Don't Say You Love Me
Don't Say You Love MeWes Dean, Ben Green, Buddy Speir, John Schreiner, Mary Lankford, Miles Leider and Wesley Dean Wornom


More & More of You
More & More of YouWes Dean, Ben Tufts, Buddy Speir, John Schreiner and Wesley Wornom


The Day My Monster Died
The Day My Monster DiedMark Brown, Dave Collins, Buddy Speir, Andy Hamburger, Jim Ebert, Sean Russell and John Fishell


Under My Skin
Under My SkinJeff Porter, Dave Collins, Tommy Gann, Eric Scott, Buddy Speir, Andy Hamburger, Jim Ebert, Sean Russell, John Brandt and Mark Burton


The Fortune and the Pain
The Fortune and the PainMark Paul & The Red Flags, Dave Collins, Mark Paul, Buddy Speir, Jim Ebert, Sean Russell, Chuck Bartels, Jake Halkey, Julianne Ankley and Rob Moon
