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Rap music
German rap
The German rapper, songwriter and producer Ced is actually called Cedrik and has been involved in music from a young age. He released his first songs in 2017 on the album CedMusic Vol.1, which also includes the track "Kopf gegen Herz", which was created together with Zate and Kiibeats. The two albums CedMusic Vol .2 and CedMusic Vol.3 were both released in 2018, featuring guest contributions from Zate as well as other collaborators such as EMDE51 and Slyser. In the following years, Ced mainly released singles, including songs such as "Deine Fehler" (2020 with Zate) and "Unendlich...
Weißt du was Liebe ist (Weisst du was Liebe ist)
Weißt du was Liebe ist (Weisst du was Liebe ist)CedMusic and Zate

CedMusic Vol.3


AbstandZate, CedMusic and Jack Center



HilferufCedMusic and Zate

Schau mir in die Augen
Schau mir in die AugenZate and CedMusic

Ich hasse Dich
Ich hasse DichCedMusic and Zate

Bis du da bist
Bis du da bistZate and CedMusic