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Charly García

(Charly Garcia)

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
New wave
During his long career, the Argentinian rock musician Charly Garcia has become one of his country's best known and most successful artists. Born into a wealthy family in Buenos Aires on October 23, 1951, he was encouraged by his parents to pursue and develop his musical talent from a young age. Having developed perfect pitch and good keyboard skills he was accepted into the Thibaud Piazzini Conservatory and at the age of 12 graduated as a music professor. During his early teens, he discovered The Beatles and began to experiment with rock music, forming the band Sui Generis. Durin...
Tuve Tu Amor
Tuve Tu AmorCharly García (Charly Garcia)

Piano Bar


Demoliendo Hoteles
Demoliendo HotelesCharly García (Charly Garcia)

El Álbum


La Cancion del Indeciso
La Cancion del IndecisoCharly García (Charly Garcia)


Rap de Las Hormigas
Rap de Las HormigasCharly García (Charly Garcia)

García, el Más Grande


Bancate Ese Defecto
Bancate Ese DefectoCharly García (Charly Garcia)

So Goes Love


La Lógica del Escorpión (La Logica del Escorpion)
La Lógica del Escorpión (La Logica del Escorpion)Charly García (Charly Garcia)

La Lógica del Escorpión


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