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Cheryl Falk

I Saw Three Ships
I Saw Three ShipsIsland Choral Experience and Cheryl Falk

Brahms Lullaby
Brahms LullabyIsland Choral Experience, Brittney Kennett and Cheryl Falk

Ave Maria (Bach / Gounod)
Ave Maria (Bach / Gounod)Island Choral Experience, Marla Allen, Cheryl Falk and Marianna Allen

O Holy Night
O Holy NightIsland Choral Experience, Rebecca Gordon and Cheryl Falk

We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We Wish You a Merry ChristmasIsland Choral Experience and Cheryl Falk

Coventry Carol
Coventry CarolIsland Choral Experience, Dana Sedgwick and Cheryl Falk