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Chris Goff (contributor)

Let My Ceiling Be Your Floor
Let My Ceiling Be Your FloorMidSouth, Eric Conn, Jonathan Brown, Randy Poole, Ben Fowler, Chris Goff (contributor), Robert C Mc Gee (contributor), David Kent Humphrey (contributor) and Vanessa McNeel McGee (contributor)


Crazy Won't Leave Me Alone
Crazy Won't Leave Me AloneMidSouth, Eric Conn, Jonathan Brown, Randy Poole, Ben Fowler, Chris Goff (contributor), Robert C Mc Gee (contributor) and David Kent Humphrey (contributor)


I Choose You
I Choose YouMidSouth, Eric Conn, Jonathan Brown, Randy Poole, Ben Fowler, Chris Goff (contributor) and Robert C Mc Gee (contributor)


When Miracles Don't Come
When Miracles Don't ComeMidSouth, Eric Conn, Jonathan Brown, Randy Poole, Ben Fowler, Chris Goff (contributor) and Robert C Mc Gee (contributor)


Day by Day
Day by DayMidSouth, Eric Conn, Jonathan Brown, Randy Poole, Ben Fowler, Chris Goff (contributor) and Tony Turner (contributor)


Things I've Discovered (You Can't Recover)
Things I've Discovered (You Can't Recover)MidSouth, Eric Conn, Jonathan Brown, Randy Poole, Ben Fowler, Chris Goff (contributor), Robert C Mc Gee (contributor) and David Kent Humphrey (contributor)
