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Colin Stevens

Crown Him With Many Crowns
Crown Him With Many CrownsColin Neil Stevens, Chris Bevins, Craig Swift and Colin Stevens


Come and Join the Song
Come and Join the SongColin Neil Stevens, Laura Story, Chris Bevins, Craig Swift, Colin Stevens, Matthew Papa and Matthew Boswell


Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, HolyLaura Story, Michelle Swift, Cameron Bible, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift, Colin Stevens, Abby Allen and Alice Yoon


Give Me Jesus
Give Me JesusCameron Bible, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift and Colin Stevens


The Love of God
The Love of GodMatthew Means, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift and Colin Stevens


Only Christ
Only ChristColin Stevens, Chris Bevins, Colin Neil Stevens, Craig Swift, Joe Causey, Abby Allen, Perimeter Church Choir, Ryan Gericke and Stephen Stripling
