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Dan Castelli

If I Were President (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)
If I Were President (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)Michael Culhane, Dan Castelli, Greg Ross and John Sharples


Major Pointman (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)
Major Pointman (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)Michael Culhane, Dan Castelli, Greg Ross and John Sharples


Watch It (Live at Mercury Lounge 1february1997 Nyc) [Cg4]
Watch It (Live at Mercury Lounge 1february1997 Nyc) [Cg4]Circus Guy, Michael Culhane, Dan Castelli, Greg Ross and John Sharples

Get out of It (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)
Get out of It (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)Michael Culhane, Dan Castelli, Greg Ross and John Sharples


Apple of My Eye (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)
Apple of My Eye (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)Michael Culhane, Pete Ham, Dan Castelli, Greg Ross and John Sharples


Everything Is on the Outside (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)
Everything Is on the Outside (Live at Mercury Lounge 4january97 Nyc)Michael Culhane, Dan Castelli, Greg Ross and John Sharples
