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Daniel Rodriguez

Classical music
American tenor Daniel Rodriguez rose to fame in the aftermath of 9/11 after an emotional appearance singing 'The Star Spangled Banner' at a memorial service following the tragic attacks ('Prayer for America'). At the time, Rodriguez was a classically-trained amateur singer, but was employed as a police officer and was on duty during the attacks. Following the performance he was dubbed 'The Singing Policeman' and signed to EMI Records. He released his debut album 'God Bless America' in December 2001 and appeared on a string of prime-time US talk shows and major sporting events ...
I'll Walk with God for voice & piano (or orchestra)
I'll Walk with God for voice & piano (or orchestra)Daniel Rodriguez


If I Loved You
If I Loved YouDaniel Rodriguez

From My Heart

She Was There
She Was ThereDaniel Rodriguez

From My Heart

Shenandoah, folk song
Shenandoah, folk songDaniel Rodriguez


America the Beautiful (original title "Materna")
America the Beautiful (original title "Materna")Daniel Rodriguez

The Spirit of America


America the Beautiful
America the BeautifulRonald Reagan and Daniel Rodriguez

The Spirit of America


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