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Danielle Pritchett (contributor)

Break Free!
Break Free!Heritage Music, Noah, Drew Lavyne, Mathew Pritchett, Emily Pritchett (contributor), Danielle Pritchett (contributor), Avery Brook (contributor), Conner Daniel (contributor), Lauren Beutin (contributor) and Christine Gilbert (contributor)


Out of the Dark
Out of the DarkHeritage Music, Taylor Sellers, Drew Lavyne, Tala Simone, Mathew Pritchett, Jerod Cason (contributor), Bryan Pritchett (contributor) and Danielle Pritchett (contributor)


To Choose Life
To Choose LifeHeritage Music, Taylor Sellers, Drew Lavyne, Tala Simone, Mathew Pritchett, Jerod Cason (contributor), Emily Pritchett (contributor), Bryan Pritchett (contributor) and Danielle Pritchett (contributor)
