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David Jalbert

Punk rock
Rock music
Folk music
Born on May 5, 1980 in Montreal, Canada, he is a folk singer from Quebec. He began his career in 1994, in a punk rock trio called Big Joe. His first album, Des Histoires, was released on April 15, 2008, and included the song "Souvenirs d'enfance ", which became his first hit in Quebec. In May 2010, he released his second album, Le Journal, which included the hit "P'tit homme". For the first time, this opus earned him a nomination at the 2011 ADISQ gala in the Contemporary Folk Album of the Year category. That same year, he also collaborated with Sir Pathétik on the song "Si dieu"...
Ma mère disait (Ma mere disait)
Ma mère disait (Ma mere disait)David Jalbert

Y'A Pas de Bon Silence

Si Dieu
Si DieuDavid Jalbert

10ième Round

Si Dieu
Si DieuDavid Jalbert and Sir Pathétik

Des crampes dans les orteils
Des crampes dans les orteilsDavid Jalbert

Y'A Pas de Bon Silence

Né du bon côté (Ne du bon cote)
Né du bon côté (Ne du bon cote)David Jalbert

Y'A Pas de Bon Silence

Hymne à la Montérégie (Hymne a la Monteregie)
Hymne à la Montérégie (Hymne a la Monteregie)David Jalbert

Y'A Pas de Bon Silence

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