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David Kershenbaum

Rock music
Cheers to David Kershenbaum
Cheers to David KershenbaumDavid Kershenbaum, Jack Petruzzelli, Gabe Klein, Joe Bozzi, Jeff Hill, Chris Pasin, Matthew Baione, Pete Caigan and Pete Hanlon


Burning Bold
Burning BoldJackie King, Leland Sklar, David Kershenbaum, Howard Weinberg, Jackie King Miller and Pedro Proenca Ancona Montagnana


With Wings
With WingsJackie King, David Kershenbaum, Howard Weinberg and Jackie King Miller

One Eye on the Exit
One Eye on the ExitJackie King, David Kershenbaum, Howard Weinberg, Jackie King Miller and Denny Fongheiser
