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David Lindley

Rock music
African music
World music
Singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist David Lindley – born on March 21, 1944, in San Marino, California – was one of rock’s most popular sidemen as well as an acclaimed solo artist in his own right. A virtuoso on many stringed instruments, he grew up listening to his father’s collection of 78rpm records and learning to play the violin, ukulele, and banjo. By the time he was in his late teens, he had won the Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest five times. Early in his career, he played banjo with the Dry City Scat Band before becoming involved with the Los Angeles folk music scen...
Ain't No Way
Ain't No WayDavid Lindley

El Rayo-X


Mercury Blues
Mercury BluesDavid Lindley

El Rayo-X


Mercury Blues
Mercury BluesJackson Browne and David Lindley

El Rayo Live


Quarter of a Man
Quarter of a ManDavid Lindley

El Rayo-X


She Took off My Romeos
She Took off My RomeosDavid Lindley

El Rayo-X


Your Old Lady
Your Old LadyDavid Lindley

El Rayo-X


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