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David Nail

Country music
Pop rock
Rock music
David Nail is a singer-songwriter from Kennett, Missouri. Injury ended his promising baseball career, but inspired by Travis Tritt's song 'Anymore' as a teenager, he opted for a musical career. As a young man Nail moved to Nashville to try to break into the country music scene and gained a deal after being spotted singing at a party. His first single was 'Memphis' in 2002, although his label Mercury opted not to release his album. After taking time out coaching baseball he gained a supporter in producer Frank Liddell and signed a deal with MCA for release of the single 'I'm Ab...
Red Light
Red LightDavid Nail

I'm About to Come Alive


Let It Rain
Let It RainDavid Nail and Sarah Buxton


Whatever She's Got
Whatever She's GotDavid Nail

I'm A Fire


Kiss You Tonight
Kiss You TonightDavid Nail

I'm A Fire


Let It Rain
Let It RainDavid Nail and Sarah Buxton

The Sound of a Million Dreams


Turning Home
Turning HomeDavid Nail

I'm About to Come Alive


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