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Delta 5

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Known for their feminist ethos and their bass-heavy funk-punk sound, Delta 5 were a new wave band hailing from Leeds, England. The group was formed in 1979 by Julz Sale (vocals/guitar), Ros Allen (bass), and Bethan Peters (bass). After becoming involved in the vibrant Leeds post-punk scene, the trio completed their lineup with Kelvin Knight on drums and Alan Riggs on guitar. They were also a part of the Rock Against Racism movement, along with peers Gang of Four and The Mekons. “Mind Your Own Business,” their first official single, was released in 1979 and set the blueprint for t...
Mind Your Own Business
Mind Your Own BusinessJonny Slut and Delta 5

Singles & Sessions 1979 - 81


Mind Your Own Business
Mind Your Own BusinessDelta 5

Disco Not Disco Digital Edition


Nossa Noite
Nossa NoiteDelta 5


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