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Diante Do Trono

Pop music
World music
Led by singer-songwriter and pastor Ana Paula Valadão, Brazilian worship group Diante do Trono (Before the Throne) became not just one of the most successful Brazilian bands of all time, but also one of the biggest contemporary Christian music acts in Latin America. The band was formed in 1997 in the city of Belo Horizonte and, even though they released their eponymous album in 1998, it wasn't until 2000's Águas Purificadoras that they began growing a substantial international following. Throughout their lengthy career, Diante do Trono has released 4 studio albums, 9 children's a...
Me Ama
Me AmaDiante Do Trono

Sol da Justiça (Diante do Trono 14)


Preciso de Ti
Preciso de TiDiante Do Trono and Ana Paula Valadão (Ana Paula Valadao)

Extras Diante do Trono


Preciso de Ti
Preciso de Ti 

Ao Vivo

Diante Do Trono, Lu Alone, André Valadão, Eyshila, Nivea Soares, Fernanda Brum, Ana Paula Valadão, Mariana Valadão, Marine Friesen, Asaph Borba, Ana Nóbrega, Gabi Sampaio, Brunão Morada, Israel Salazar, Gabriel Barreto, Nena Lacerda, Helena Tannure & João Lúcio Tannure, João Lúcio Tannure and Isaque Valadão Bessa (Andre Valadao, Ana Paula Valadao, Brunao Morada, Helena Tannure & Joao Lucio Tannure, Joao Lucio Tannure and Isaque Valadao Bessa)


Deserto De Revelação (Deserto De Revelacao)
Deserto De Revelação (Deserto De Revelacao)Diante Do Trono

Faz Outra Vez
Faz Outra VezDiante Do Trono

É Suficiente (E Suficiente)
É Suficiente (E Suficiente)Diante Do Trono

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