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Dionne Bromfield

Soul music
Neo soul
When Amy Winehouse started making grand proclamations to the world that she had an incredibly talented 13-year-old "goddaughter" who could sing like Lauryn Hill and Alicia Keys, you could be forgiven for rolling your eyes and sniggering a bit. But lo and behold - family friend Dionne Bromfield signed up to Amy's label Lioness Records and released a note perfect, sugar pop version of The Shirelles' hit Mama Said. A student at the Sylvia Young Theatre School, Bromfield's debut album Introducing... (2009) came full of retro, 1960s soul, ska and jazz, vamped up and made slick enough ...
Ouch That Hurt
Ouch That HurtDionne Bromfield

Good For The Soul


In Your Own World
In Your Own WorldDionne Bromfield

Good For The Soul


Too Soon To Call It Love
Too Soon To Call It LoveDionne Bromfield

Good For The Soul


Good For The Soul
Good For The SoulDionne Bromfield

Good For The Soul

If That's The Way You Wanna Play
If That's The Way You Wanna PlayDionne Bromfield

Good For The Soul


Move A Little Faster
Move A Little FasterDionne Bromfield

Good For The Soul

