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DJ Miko

Electronic music
Dance music
Video game soundtracks
DJ Miko was an Italian dance act that gained popularity in the 1990s, mainly known for releasing dance covers of past pop and rock hits. The group was fronted by keyboardist Monier Quartararo Gagliardo and British vocalist Louise Anne Gard. DJ Miko released one album and twelve singles, with their most successful hit being a cover of 4 Non Blondes' "What's Up" in 1993. The project was managed by the Milan-based record company Dig It International and released on its Hotline Records label, with music production handled by SAIFAM in Verona. SAIFAM took over the DJ Miko project afte...
What's Up
What's Up 

Extended Clap Attack

DJ Miko

The Last Millenium


My Sharona
My SharonaDJ Miko

The Last Millenium

Sky High
Sky HighDJ Miko

The Last Millenium


What's Up
What's Up 

Extended Clap Attack

José Luis Meléndez and DJ Miko


What's Up?
What's Up?DJ Miko

What's Up 2000
What's Up 2000DJ Miko

The Last Millenium


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