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Eddie Hoagland

Raise a Hallelujah /Yes I Will
Raise a Hallelujah /Yes I WillRob Hawkins, Molly Skaggs, Jonathan David Helser, Jake Stevens, Eddie Hoagland, Jonathan Lindley Smith, Melissa Phillips Helser and Mia Leanne Cherie Fieldes


O Come All Ye Faithful (Behold Our King) [Live]
O Come All Ye Faithful (Behold Our King) [Live]Todd Rukes, John Francis Wade, Eddie Hoagland and Sara Masterson Smith

O Come All Ye Faithful (Behold Our King)
O Come All Ye Faithful (Behold Our King)Highpoint Collective, John Reading, John Francis Wade, Eddie Hoagland, Sara Masterson Smith and Todd Rukes