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(Eddy Kim)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Now a bona fide K-pop sensation, it’s hard to believe that bilingual singer-songwriter Eddy Kim first started out as a violinist and a student of classical music before taking to commercial, guitar-laden ballads. Born Kim Jung-hwan on November 23rd, 1990 in Seoul, he spent much of his youth between the capital’s Gangnam District and Boston, Massachusetts, where he studied at the Berklee College of Music and gained a growing inclination toward pop music. In 2012, while conscripted in the army, Kim entered the famed TV talent contest Superstar K, in which he reached the top six alo...
It's Over (It'sOver)
It's Over (It'sOver)에디킴 (Eddy Kim)

The Manual

이쁘다니까 You Are So Beautiful (You Are So Beautiful)
이쁘다니까 You Are So Beautiful (You Are So Beautiful)에디킴 (Eddy Kim)



긴 밤이 오면 When Night Falls (When Night Falls)
긴 밤이 오면 When Night Falls (When Night Falls)에디킴 (Eddy Kim)

While You Were Sleeping


Sober Up (SoberUp)
Sober Up (SoberUp)에디킴 (Eddy Kim)

The Manual

Coffee & Tea
Coffee & Tea에디킴 and 솔라 (마마무) (Eddy Kim and Solar)

DOKKUN Project, Pt. 4


썸머 Some More (Some More)
썸머 Some More (Some More)에디킴, GRAY (그레이), 로꼬 and SURAN(수란) (Eddy Kim, GRAY, Loco and SURAN)


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