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Rap music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Kimmo Ilpo Juhani Laiho was born on April 18, 1981 in Helsinki, Finland. He began taking guitar lessons at the age of seven. He was just as interested in dance, and four years later, at the age of eleven, he joined the breakdance groups IMC and Savage Feet. Thanks to his brother, who gave him a hip-hop cassette, he began to develop a passion for this musical style and wrote his first lyrics. Then he met the man who was to become his musical alter ego, Iso H, with whom he founded the rap duo Fintelligens in 1997. They signed their first record label contract when he was just 18 an...
West Side Baby
West Side BabyIBE, Elastinen and Blacflaco


RajalIBE, Elastinen, Ares and MD$ (MDS)

Rajal (feat. ibe, Ares & Elastinen)

En tunne sua
En tunne suaElastinen and Vesala

Elastinen Feat.

Täytyy jaksaa
Täytyy jaksaaElastinen

Elastinen Feat.

LempoElastinen and Lauri Tähkä

Elastinen Feat.

Varpunen Jouluaamuna (Vain Elamaa Joulu)
Varpunen Jouluaamuna (Vain Elamaa Joulu)Elastinen


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