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Elijah Kelley

Rock music
You Can't Stop the Beat
You Can't Stop the Beat 

Clean Version

Queen Latifah, John Travolta, Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelley and Amanda Bynes

Without Love
Without LoveNikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Elijah Kelley and Amanda Bynes

Hairspray [B.O.F.]


Run and Tell That
Run and Tell ThatElijah Kelley

Hairspray [B.O.F.]


Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)
Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)Queen Latifah, Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky and Elijah Kelley

Hairspray [B.O.F.]


You Can't Stop the Beat
You Can't Stop the BeatQueen Latifah, John Travolta, Zac Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Elijah Kelley and Amanda Bynes

Hairspray [B.O.F.]


Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)
Come So Far (Got So Far to Go)Elijah Kelley
