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Elio e le Storie Tese

Rock music
Experimental rock
Psychedelic rock
Elio e le Storie Tese is a satirical rock band formed in Milan in 1980 by Stefano Belisari, alias "Elio". The original line-up, formed in high school in the 1970s, underwent a series of changes before settling down in 1986. In addition to the singer and guitarist, it then included David Civaschi (guitar), Sergio Conforti (keyboards, drum machine) and Nicola Fasani (bass), with a Drumulator playing the drummer's role, before Christian Meyer was recruited in 1988, the same year as Paolo Panigada alias Feiez's multi-instrumentalist (saxophone, guitar, bass, percussion). It was in th...
Nessuno allo stadio
Nessuno allo stadioElio e le Storie Tese

Nessuno Allo Stadio


T.V.U.M.D.B.Elio e le Storie Tese and Giorgia

Il Meglio Di Grazie Per La Splendida Serata Vol.1,2 &3 Live


Servi Della Gleba
Servi Della GlebaElio e le Storie Tese


Born To Be Abramo
Born To Be AbramoElio e le Storie Tese

Ho Fatto 2 Etti E Mezzo Lascio? Vol.3


Mio Cuggino
Mio CugginoElio e le Storie Tese

Il Meglio Di Ho Fatto 2 Etti E Mezzo Lascio? Vol. 1, 2, & 3 Live


Cara Ti Amo
Cara Ti AmoElio e le Storie Tese

Elio Samaga Hukapan Kariyana Turu

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