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Emilie-Claire Barlow

French chanson
Bossa Nova
Born into a musical family Canadian jazz star Emilie-Claire Barlow always seemed destined for the stage. Her father is jazz drummer Brian Barlow and her mother Judy Tate was a singer and composer, her uncle Richard Homme was a jazz bassist and her grandparents were also professional entertainers. Owing to this, she grew up in Toronto in the 1970s, quickly becoming accomplished on a variety of instruments - piano, violin, clarinet and cello included - at a young age. By the time she was seven she was appearing on radio and TV singing on commercials and was also drawn to musical...
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright
Don't Think Twice, It's AlrightEmilie-Claire Barlow

The Beat Goes On


Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday
Yester-Me, Yester-You, YesterdayEmilie-Claire Barlow

The Beat Goes On


The Beat Goes On/Soul Bossa Nova
The Beat Goes On/Soul Bossa NovaEmilie-Claire Barlow

The Beat Goes On


Will You (Still) Love Me Tomorrow?
Will You (Still) Love Me Tomorrow?Emilie-Claire Barlow

The Beat Goes On


What a Little Moonlight Can Do
What a Little Moonlight Can DoEmilie-Claire Barlow

The Very Thought of You

These Boots Were Made for Walkin'
These Boots Were Made for Walkin'Emilie-Claire Barlow

The Beat Goes On


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