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Erin Enderlin

Country music
Erin Enderlin is a distinguished American country music singer-songwriter renowned for her evocative storytelling and deep-rooted influences from traditional country music. With a career that spans over a decade, Erin Enderlin has carved a niche for herself in the country music scene, revered for her compelling narratives and authentic sound. Her journey in music began early, and she has since released some critically acclaimed music, including The Queen of Marina del Rey (2004). Erin Enderlin's talent for songwriting has also been recognized by her peers, leading to notable coll...
The Queen of Marina del Rey
The Queen of Marina del ReyErin Enderlin

Faulkner County


I Can Be Your Whiskey
I Can Be Your WhiskeyErin Enderlin

Faulkner County


Fishin' in the Dark
Fishin' in the DarkErin Enderlin


A Man with 18 Wheels
A Man with 18 WheelsErin Enderlin

Faulkner County


Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You)
Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You)Erin Enderlin

Faulkner County


Hell Comin' Down
Hell Comin' DownErin Enderlin

Faulkner County

