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Erin Sastre

O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
O the Deep Deep Love of JesusHannah Park, Enoria Lee, Erin Sastre, Thomas Grassi, Logan Hodgson, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo, John M. Neale, Henry W. Baker and Aurelius C. Prudentius


Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right
Whate'er My God Ordains Is RightDeb Victa, Hannah Park, Benjamin Mason, Erin Sastre, Cathy Biagini, Sarah Biagini, Jeff Bourque and Samuel Rodigast


Stricken Smitten and Afflicted
Stricken Smitten and AfflictedHannah Park, Thomas Kelly, Erin Sastre, Andie Henry and Sarah DiSalvo


I Gave My Life for Thee
I Gave My Life for TheeHannah Park, Francés R. Havergal, Philip P. Bliss, Benjamin Mason, Erin Sastre, Andie Henry, Sarah DiSalvo, Cathy Biagini and Sarah Biagini


The King of Love My Shepherd Is
The King of Love My Shepherd IsDeb Victa, Hannah Park, Benjamin Mason, Enoria Lee, Erin Sastre, Logan Hodgson and Henry Williams Baker


My Lord I Did Not Choose You
My Lord I Did Not Choose YouDeb Victa, Hannah Park, Enoria Lee, Erin Sastre, Thomas Grassi, Logan Hodgson and Joseph Conder
